Monday, June 10, 2013

Evening Stroll

It has been too long since I have taken an evening stroll down to the school with the kids. I guess our days are typically so full of everything else that by the time evening comes around we are all to wasted to function. But today was quiet and leisurely which allowed for this decadent after dinner stroll - in pajamas. Seems like it may have to become our summertime tradition.

Zion doing his very best bunny face impression.


Eden has been talking about soccer pretty non-stop for the past couple of months. Always pretending to go to soccer practice, etc. About one month ago she begged us to sign her up for soccer "for real". Today we received word that she is officially registered for AYSO soccer in the fall. She makes the age cut-off by the day (her birthday). It's interesting being a mom. I always knew that my kids would end up going some sort of sport route, honestly I assumed it would be soccer since Jon's family is pretty into it. And I always dreaded the day that I would become a "soccer mom". I dreaded the games and the practices, the all-consumingness of it all. Now that I am on the cusp of actually becoming a soccer mom, the dread is gone. In it's place is nothing but eager anticipation to be part of whatever it is that my child loves deeply. That perspective may change once I'm actually in it, but I have a hard time imaging that it could. 

Finding Treasures
It's hard to pin this guy down for a photo
Klamath had made it till the very end still relatively clean, but on our way out as if he knew he was not quite dirty enough he went and did this...

As soon as Eden stepped in the door she collapsed onto the ground with this book.

Klamath making sure to spread the dirt around a bit...

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