Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Big Tuna Wednessday

This is a day that we will likely all be talking about for as long as we live. As far as I can tell it is every spear fisherman's dream to shoot a big tuna. Jon has been talking about it as long as I've known him - talked about spending great sums to travel to far off lands with the sole purpose of shooting a big tuna. Jon's friend, Aaron (who shot the fish) actually has spent these great sums and traveled to far off lands to shoot these tuna without success. So when the tuna came to the shores of San Clemente it was nothing short of a miracle. Jon could hardly sleep the night before worrying about being the only boat out there not getting a tuna, but around noon he pulled the boat into the harbor with the biggest tuna recorded in California's history. Such a wonderful moment for everyone! The tuna was quite the spectacle drawing crowds throughout the day and many helpful hands. It was fun to bear witness to it, this miracle of sorts. Once the tuna was packaged up and taken home the kids and I begged Jon to take us out to look for one of our own. It was fun to search but our search was fruitless. Eden became frustrated with Jon - telling him later that night that he doesn't try as hard for us as he does for the boys. She is a very serious and determined soul. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a real fisherman like her dad some day when she grows up.
The boys have this running joke that they tell to new divers - "You have to eat the heart of the first fish you spear." Apparently that goes for the first fish in a species too - and Aaron was all in for the task.
Zion feeling the heart
All hands on deck to help, even Zi.
First cut
Our first introduction to these adorable little tuna crabs that have taken over our beaches. Eden was obsessed. Naming them and wanted to take them home as pets.
During all the commotion the kids were using the bait fish to fish off the dock. Eden even caught something - though I forget what it was and I was running an errand so I didn't get the picture to document it. 
Fishing in the bait tank, however is almost every bit as captivating as actually fishing off the boat. 
Heading back out...
Watching all the red crabs float by.
I love the contrast in the kids' apparel here.

The following day Aaron brought the fish over to our house for Jonny to clean. It was quite the party with lots people and kids in and out. Feasting on raw tuna and telling stories all afternoon.
This is Zane. I think he just turned three. He is the most savage kid I have ever met. The youngest of 4, he just cruises around scouring the land for whatever treasure he can find. 
This here is the blood line of the fish. As far as I know this part normally gets thrown away. But Zane found it in the scraps and ate it like it was candy.
Zane found these avocados by digging around at the base of our trees in leaves up to his knees. 
Right here Zi is eating his first piece of raw tuna. He didn't really like it much at first but after a couple of pieces he just wanted more and more and more.
All the meat on this fish was portioned out to friends and family throughout the community. For all the meat that was there it was pretty amazing how quickly it vanished. And for good reason - it was really delicious!
The day after the fish cleaning party I found this in my courtyard - artifacts of my children's play. 
And the register in the morning with Aaron on the front page. 

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