Monday, June 16, 2014

Cousins + Zoo

These kids get to see these cousins often. Maybe once a week at minimum - most of the time its more. Nevertheless they look forward to spending time with them with baited breath. I almost have to keep it from them otherwise they will be too excited to sleep - Eden in particular. Its a special thing that we get to see them so often and share life in general - not to mention days at the zoo. 

While taking these pics I was dreaming about crawling in that pen of hers and snuggling it in. Why oh why am I not The Lion Whisperer??? Sometime I really feel like I missed my calling in life. 
This is a Blue Heron - it's very similar to my very favorite bird at Dana Point Harbor the Grey Heron. They build these giant nests in the big eucalyptus tress....they look so ancient and majestic up there. The kids and I have dubbed them dinosaur birds. 
While all the other kids ran off to play Zion snuck in a few more seconds with the Hippo. He was actually doing a lot of this at the zoo. Everyone would be ready to move on but he was still knee deep in taking in all in. 
I tried to snag some group shots at the end of our day. Most were a miserable failure, but I think it's fun to have record of them nonetheless. Plus if nothing else they make me laugh.

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