Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Around the House, HI

This year (for the first time) there was a pair of bikes at the house. We were beside ourselves to see them there and figured we would be going on bike rides daily. But the only bike ride that Jon and Eden went on was on the first day, then it never happened again. /: I think we just got a little carried away with spending almost every breathing moment at the beach and in the water, and it hindsight, I wouldn't change that for the world.

Zion's surfboard bed (compliments of Aaron Shook). He was obsessed with it. (:
Eden, squeezing in a moment with all the boys.
Eden's flower arrangement for Thanksgiving
There were four families (16 people in total) that gathered in the house for Thanksgiving. We feasted on poke and seaweed salad in true Hawaiian style. It was perfect!
Zion and Tanner. Zi loved Tanner and he was always so sweet to Zi.
One of Zion's favorite things about Kauai. Even now he is telling me: "I want a 'cocka-doodle' to come to my house".
This is one of the first projects Eden and Tara did when Tara and Mimmi arrived. A Hawaiian Rudolf. (:
This is a long story, but a moment I don't want to forget. Eden put her thumb in her mouth after picking a spicy pepper off the pepper bush in the back yard and spent the rest of the afternoon suffering the consequences. It was actually pretty brutal for her, and I did everything I could to just keep her mind off of it.
This was during the first big rain of the trip. Zion posted up on the porch singing and dancing in the rain - stoked to be soaking it all up.
This is a beautiful tree near the playground by the house. I wish I had one in my backyard.

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