Friday, October 3, 2014

Zi's (Last) First Day of Mommy & Me

Zi started his second year of Mommy and Me a couple of weeks ago. I remember this being a hard and frustrating year for Eden and I. Neither of us looked forward to going very much. Don't get me wrong, it was a special time that I wouldn't trade but there was something about it that just wasn't quite enough. I'm hoping that such is not the case for Zi this year. He is actually repeating the 2 year old class (because the 3 year old class was cancelled due to low enrollment). But I think the 2 year old class could be the better fit for him anyway. In theory it will be the group that he enters school with (due to his September bday) and it's nice to see him be the big boy - such a new role for him that he seems to fill well.

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