Monday, August 12, 2013

Fish Out of Water

Today I took the kids swimming in the morning. Eden put her fins on when we were just about done swimming, around 11 or 12, and swam her heart out till I drug her out of the pool on our way out. Afterward, Eden proceeded to wear the fins for the rest of the day.

To The Market...

Skooting around the driveway...

In the shower....

And eventually to yogurt...

 Then ALL the way home...

This kind of stuff has sort of become a thing with Eden recently. It sort of started with her bathing suit (which she sometimes sleeps in after a long day of playing in) then it progressed to her wetsuit which has also been worn in stores, at the dinner table, on the couch, and everywhere else you can think of. Now we have the fins. Just an extension of the rest, and really more of a convenience thing for Eden in the end (she really just does not want to deal with taking anything off), but it proves to be highly entertaining for me (:


On a side note, look at how old Zi is starting to look. My heart is aching for the loss of my last baby. I really am mourning it. My mind knows that I have to let him grow but my heart will always long for a few more moments with this squishy bundle who is rapidly morphing into something that is not quite so squishy anymore...

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