Saturday, April 13, 2013

Black & White

Somewhere, somehow I have become obsessed with taking pictures. Of course I have done nothing to advance my understanding of my camera or picture taking so all of my pictures are trial and error. Recently Jon explained to me that I could add drama to my pictures simply by making them black and white. This is sort of a black and white photo essay striving toward that end, but I have of course thrown some color pics in because I could not bear life without color. 

Tanaka Farms Field Trip 4/5/13


The day we met Baby Gray

This is a repost of an image from my previous post but I loved Jon's commentary on it and had to write it down. Jon pointed out that this is the quintessential picture of our two kids in that it captures each of their personalities completely. Eden withdrawn and aloof and Zion screaming with body, soul, and voice "LOOK AT ME!!!".



Met up with Mimmi and Tara at Seaworld yesterday. Mimmi offered to let Eden stay longer with her and Tara while we took Klamath down to the cliffs to run around. It was a pretty special time for us with Zion, perhaps the only time we have done anything with just him.

Tara slept over last night, always a dream come true for Eden.


Lazy Saturday Morning

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