Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eden's Lens

For whatever reason, right around the time Eden was turning two she decided she was deathly afraid of having her picture taken and for whatever reason that sensation sort of stuck. Not the deathly afraid part but the complete distaste. To this day, getting her to take a pic is well, lets just say it's not really worth the trouble that it causes. However somewhere in between she became captivated with taking pictures. So much so that we decided to buy her a cheap camera for her birthday. Of course we ordered it online, and it turns out to be junk and she wants nothing to do with it. Finally we gave in, and just let her use ours. It happened one day while we were climbing and sort of snow balled from there. Now I will experience moments of utter peace and quiet in the house, go off to search for Eden to see what sort of mischief she is up to, only to find her huddled in a dark corner with the camera in her little paws - trying  desperately to hide that fact that she has been sneaking pics with it. Other times she will sneak the pics, put the camera away then come to tell me what cute pictures she had taken that I should come see. The pics below are some of my favorite pics of hers from our trip and at home. I think her perspective is captivating at least in the sense that I can see what she finds interesting. 

She took a ton of pictures like this. Not sure if she was trying to take pictures of the clouds reflection or she was trying to take pictures of fish...hard to say. Maybe none of the above.

This might be one of my favorite pictures of all time


She was raving to me about the pics she took of the patio furniture. This was the best one of the group, I had to post it cause she was just so proud of it.
This is in my closet. One of her favorite places to sneak of photosesh

This one seems to be in the spirit of her Grandpa Lew

I also want to write a few words about Eden while I am on the subject. Just an additional update into her personality...

Eden is super into her imaginary friends lately. She has several from the botanical gardens that we often visit in Encinitas. There are some garden/bush sculptures there which take the shape of various animals. Some wear glasses, while some read books; they are very cute and Eden became quite captivated with one whom she named "Aga" and speaks of him often. There is also a bunny there whom I am apparently married to, or he is my friend or something. All these guys are an active part of Eden's everyday play but there is one character who goes everywhere with Eden and that is Nanny. Eden has been fascinated with Nanny from the beginning, often asking to go visit her and referencing times that she has visited her in the hospital. I think we first really noticed it when we were in Kauai last Fall. She mentioned Nanny a lot, which kind of worried us in a weird way - like something was wrong with Nanny while we were away. But it turns out that Eden is just really into Nanny for whatever reason. Lately Nanny is by Eden's side everywhere she goes, imaginary Nanny that is. Oftentimes her room will be "off limits" cause "Nanny is sleeping in there", or I will be told to watch my step because "Nanny is standing right there". It is such a trip, but it is super endearing. I don't have any great recent pics of Eden and Nanny, such a bummer, but I guess it has just been too hectic every time we go to visit. Next time we visit I am going to make a concerted effort to get a picture of Eden and Nanny together...

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