Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mommy & Me - Wk2

I promise not to give an update on school every week, but this week was so special that I just could not resist. Since last week was somewhat traumatic with the circumstances surrounding the name tag, everyone rallied behind Eden to try to make this week go more smoothly. Grammy & Grampy brought Eden some name tags to practice with and last night before bed, Daddy practiced with Eden. He told her that if she wears her name tag it would give her special powers to dance really well. And from the moment he put it on her she danced and danced and danced....I have never seen such beautiful dancing in all my life - it was amazing and magical! When she got to school she was not only willing to put on her name tag but the name tag actually did seem to give her magical powers so that she even seemed to be one of the most participative kids at circle time! A special thanks goes to Grammy, Grampy, & Daddy for helping make Eden's second week of school such a success!

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