Friday, May 1, 2015

Botanical Gardens Annual Ladybug Festival

Every year the SD Botanical Gardens hosts an annual Ladybug festival where they educate the kids/public re ladybugs and release hundreds into the gardens. Every year I have wanted to attend this event and have had to miss it for one reason or another. This year the kids and I were thrilled to be able to attend. Turns out it was a bit more of a 'festival' than we were suited for - with too loud music, too many people and much less in terms of actual ladybugs than we had anticipated. Nonetheless we were able to have an awesome day - sneaking away and hanging out with the turtles for most of it. 

This part was cool for the kids - checking out various insects and critters under the microscope.

 In case you didn't know (which is ok as I had no idea myself), Eden is apparently a turtle whisperer. She would dangle her little fingers out over the pond and the turtles would come right up to her - assuming her fingers were food no doubt. 

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