Monday, May 25, 2015

Eden's Epic Day - Memorial Day

Memorial Day this year happened to be a really BIG day for Eden. She paddled the entire harbor all on her own, skated all around the harbor twice, lost her first tooth and came down with a terrible flu all on the same day. It was a shining day for her as a child and a not so shining day for me as a mother. I regret the way I treated her that day and responded to her in her run down and weakened state. Thankfully, since then I was given a second chance - a sort of do-over in the sequence of events, which enabled me to feel somewhat redeemed. Nonetheless I am humbled by parenting and humbled by my children in general. What grace they give when I least deserve it. Grace that can only come from God. 'For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.' Acts17:28

Paige and crew came to play with us that day. Which sort of compounded matters in that I was a bit distracted in the excitement of seeing Kara so that I wasn't as attentive as I could have/should have been to Eden. As a side note, Zi and Paige are hilarious together. Super feisty and fierce. Not at all nice to each other, and it's as if it's their language with each other - like that is simply how they communicate with each other. 
This was my poor child by the end of the day. Burning with fever, in continuous tears with her first tooth gone. ):

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