Sunday, May 20, 2012


Being a mom is hard, so hard. In fact right now I am so incredibly exhausted that I don't know why I am writing on this thing instead of crawling in bed. But the kids and I just had one of those perfect days that I don't ever want to forget. I am so blessed by these children that God has given me. I can not properly put into words the joy that they bring me every single day. We had a great day, walking down to the farmers market and playing in the water down at baby beach, as Eden "surfed" on her boogie and zion repeatedly charged into the deep water, with his head up army crawl style, despite the fact that he was near drowning every single time. But hands down the highlight of my day was the way they were playing together after dinner tonight. Zion following Eden everywhere she went, and Eden just egging him on, watching out for him and taking care of him the best she knows how. I hope that they will always love each other the way that they do today. 

And now that Zion is 8 going on 9 months, we are starting to realize his true self a bit more and the things that truly make him happy.

1. Being LOUD
2. Being in the water
3. Playing rough/wrestling
4. Being tickled
5. Being LOVED/snuggled, especially by mommy (:

And I would like to state, for the record, that he and Jon have officially started getting along. Yes, if you didn't know (and don't feel bad if you didn't cause I didn't officially know myself) that up until recently Jon and Zion were not quite friends yet. I attribute their new found friendship to the fact that Zion suddenly and incessantly began saying "Da-Da". Jon claims that is not the case, and that their new found friendship is simply because Zion can now be put down for 5 minutes without having a screaming fit. Whatever it is, I am glad that they are finally hitting it off. And hoping that it will take Zi just a little bit longer to realize that Jon is the fun parent. 

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