Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Valentines Day 2014

Last night out of the blue, Eden said: "Mom, when I grow up, and I'm a Mommy, I'm gonna go on a boat ride every day.". This was in the wake of our latest boat ride up to Newport last week. We had plans to fish, whale watch, and SUP/play in the harbor but it was such an incredibly beautiful day that Jon surprised all of us by driving the boat up to Newport. In Newport we enjoyed some special drinks and a slice of cheesecake. It was the best "Valentines Day" that I can ever recall. And I can't help but fondly remember last years Valentines Day....we had just returned from an incredible trip to Baja (early that am) and we spent the day walking around the harbor and pestering the management at the dry dock to slip the owner of this boat our number. And that is when it all began...our quest to acquire the EZtraveler. Now, a year later, it feels so good to be going on these little adventures, and so entirely worth the wait.

Just look at Eden's happy face! She really is in heaven on the boat! And who is that guy next to her?? Where did my baby go? ):
First Catch!
Eden's Happy Dance over the first catch on the boat.
The kids were super into holding the fish.
The kids and I laying down in the cabin on the ride up to Newport
Just being in that Newport Harbor made me feel super rich by osmosis.
We were not sure what was going on with this guy. There are so many potential captions here....
Jon's dream boat dwarfing our dreamboat (:
My dream boat (:
Family Portrait
Eden holding that fish one more time...
Zi fell fast asleep in the cabin on the way home.
Eden loves to help Jon clean the boat
Afterward Jon took us to a fancy sushi dinner at Mahe. The kids got their first taste of "Octopus" and surprisingly loved it!

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