I can't believe I have let so much time pass since I have posted anything to this blog. But even now as I try to post something Eden is badgering me about picking this picture or that for some imaginary game she is playing. Which is wonderful and great fun but absolutely not conducive to my own personal productivity. That, in addition to the fact that she decided to quit napping and Zion decided to start crawling, and somehow my days are a constant blurr of trying to keep us all alive and in one piece.
Updates on Zion since the last post:
He started crawling on Easter day, since then he has climbed out of his crib, crawled up stairs (while no one one looking), and now he is walking along furniture. He also has several words including mamma, dada, Eden, and Ya (in response to "Do you want this?"). We have also heard him say hi once or twice but not consistently.
Updates on Eden:
She is riding her scoot bike really well. Rides it all the way down to the school, around the school and home. Jon says it might be about a mile which seems like a lot for a 2 1/2 yr old (which is how old she was when she started doing that). She is also swimming really well and starting to be a lot more comfortable in the ocean. Recently she started letting the waves crash over her head.
That's all I have for now. Eden is relentless for attention. I don't think I can ward her off for another second.
Here is a sneak peak into our daily rhythm...
And one more because I can not help myself - this one gets a bit long, but it is pretty special to us. A bit of background: we have fairly recently discovered books from the library. Just about every other week now we go and check out new books. It has been incredibly fun! A few weeks ago we came across a book that Eden came to love dearly. We read it so many times, and she loved it so much that one night as Jon was reading it she just started reciting each line before he got a chance to read it. We didn't get that first moment on video (we were just enjoying it too much and didn't want to break the spell), but the night before we returned it I tried to capture it. At this point she had become somewhat bored with the book so it didn't happen as magically as that first time she did it, but it was pretty special.